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Wildcat Welcome

Welcome Class of 2027 and transfer students! We are very excited to meet you and welcome you to our very special SESP community. Whether it's this fall, winter, spring or beyond, we're here!

Questions over the Summer?

New students will hear from their SESP adviser in July to schedule a one-on-one meeting to welcome you and give you a sense of what to expect before you head to campus this fall. 


We understand that for those of you taking classes this fall, registration and academics are front of mind. You will have a small handful of opportunities during the week to meet with your academic adviser in a peer group setting.

Course Registration for Fall

While the dates are still being finalized, you will register for your courses during Wildcat Welcome in Fall 2022. You will receive instructions from your Peer Advisers and SESP adviser about when and where to meet for your actual registration. Members of the SESP advising team will be present throughout each assigned registration period to give last-minute advice and help troubleshoot any issues.

AP/IB Credit Transfer

A Bachelor of Science in Education and Social Policy from Northwestern requires 42 units of credit. If, as many students do, you enter Northwestern with no Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) credit, you are not at a disadvantage. In fact, with no prior credits, you can take three classes (rather than four) during half of your quarters and still graduate on time.

Students who have had access to robust AP or IB programs are able to fulfill up to seven of your ten distribution requirements with qualifying AP or IB scores. Consult the AP/IB Credit page to determine which, if any, credit(s) your score(s) indicate you have earned.