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SESP in the Media: February 2020

February 17, 2020

SESP faculty group shot

An ongoing, monthly roundup of appearances in the news media by School of Education and Social Policy faculty, researchers, and our community: 


Feb. 17, 2020

Leveling up? Try tackling the causes of inequality (cites Kirabo Jackson's research)


Spring, 2020 

Does more money for education lead to better student performance? (cites Kirabo Jackson's research)


Spring 2020 

In Fight Against Grade Inflation, Those Rare Tough Teachers Are Champions (cites research by Dean David Figlio) 

Teen Vogue

Feb. 13, 2019

No First Kiss? What to Know Before Your First Smooch (quotes instructor Alexandra Solomon)


Feb. 13, 2020

Why are school reunions so horny? (quotes instructor Alexandra Solomon)

The Outline

Feb. 12, 2020

I’m Upset: Rich People Should Stop Giving Their Kids Such Long-Ass Names (cites research by SESP Dean David Figlio)


Feb. 5, 2020

An Alternative Approach for Alleviating Poverty (quotes Diane Schanzenbach)

The Economist

Feb. 4, 2020

Starting work in a recession affects people for their whole lives (quotes research by Hannes Schwandt) 

The Daily Northwestern

Feb. 3, 2020

Northwestern study warns of increased antidepressant use after school shootings (quotes research by Hannes Schwandt)

The National Interest

Jan. 11, 2020 

Why it is hard to decide if government assistance should let you buy junk food (quotes research by Diane Schanzenbach)

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Jan. 10, 2020

Should government assistance cover pet food or potato chips? It depends who you ask (cites research by Diane Schanzenbach)

Washington Post

Jan. 6, 2020

Don’t root for a recession to knock out Trump (cites research by Hannes Schwandt)